
By: Sulatan Madad

There has been a general misunderstanding among the people of Jammu & Kashmir with respect to the identity of Gilgit Baltistan. The state of Jammu and Kashmir was the state of Dogra dynasty established with the British blessings in 1846. It had occupied some parts of GB again with British support who did not want a direct confrontation with Russia. They faced feirced resistance in Gilgit, Ghizer and Chilas and could not win Hunza and Nager states despite many attacked. Finally it was the British that won these states. Ethnically, historically, linguistically, these are distinct regions.

Gilgit Baltistan, divided into many dynastic states, has remained independent of Kashmir throughout history till then.

It is the partition of India and intentional creation of Kashmir dispute that has put Gilgit Baltistan togather with Kashmir under UN resolutions and the acceptance of Pakistan and India as disputed area. People of Gilgit Baltistan are not Kashmiris but yes they are party to Kashmir dispute. Historic facts cannot be belied. For instance Chitral and Indus Kohistan have been historic parts of Gilgit Baltistan with the shared history, ethnicity and languages but Kashmiris, whether pro independence, pro Pakistan or pro India, are least bothered and consider these regions outside the scope of their interest. This simple diachotmy found in the Kashmiri narrative exposes the shallowness of the chauvinist Kashmiri claim over Gilgit Baltistan. The fact is that they are considered kith and kin in the areas of Gilgit Baltistan.

Kashmiris are sufferers of occupation and right of self determination beyond any condition is their birth right. Same is the suffering of Gilgit Baltistan. Therefore both need to fight for the common cause How can such a common objective be acheived in the presence of such prejudices and chauvinism. People in the Gilgit Baltistan ask how a neighbour who has not even seen the region, not even heard the language nor knows the history can make such claims. This absurdity has only helped widen the gulf and it has been a major obsticle in building a shared struggle.

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